Computer science Lesson Plan
Class: 6th to 8th - Lesson:10 Real life programming game (Optional for 6th Std)

Purpose: Teach relative orientation and procedural operations.

No. of Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Students, Chalk to draw a grid.

Prior knowledge

Student should know about direction (left, right,forward and backward).


This activity involves a Treasure, a Person and a Searcher. The Treasure is placed in one box (cell). The Searcher has to navigate to the position of the Treasure and pick up the treasure and again navigate to the position of the Person and hand over the treasure to the Person.

Note: Please note that there are bombs in some boxes, on which navigation is not possible. This means that the Searcher cannot step inside those boxes.


  • How will the searcher move and find the treasure then return to give the treasure to the person.
  • No Image


  • How will the searcher move and find the treasure then return to give the treasure to the person.
  • No Image


  • Link to view the solution for exercise-1 and exercise-2.

  • Teacher Instruction
    1. After having conducted a physical activity in a previous lesson plan, the teacher can now use a notebook and a pen in this lesson plan and give similar exercise activities to the students.
    2. Simple grids with 3 x 3 boxes can be used initially and gradually the number of boxes can be increased (eg. 4x4 etc.), so that the students can understand better and navigate easily.
    3. Students can arrive at the solution by any method and need not necessarily follow the same method as is in the solution.